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July 23, 2024
Spotlight on Employees: Jean Baptiste Tooley

Today, we are proud to spotlight Jean Baptiste Tooley, Manager at Star Cypress Partners. Jean Baptiste is a great example of our mission to enable our employees and clients to transform people, organizations, and systems to advance society. His journey with Star Cypress Partners exemplifies our commitment to professional growth and impactful work.

Jean Baptiste's Professional Background

Jean Baptiste's expertise in using mixed-methods approaches to simplify complex situations has been a cornerstone of his career. His academic and professional journey includes climate-smart agriculture research at Santa Clara University, The University of Aberdeen, and King's College London. He has also worked with UN Environmental Programs and various grassroots enterprises, focusing on implementing pilot programs and analyzing their effectiveness from an East African refugee perspective.

Jean Baptiste explains, "Early on — whether it was understanding the accuracy of a statistical model or assessing the impact of a program — I noticed a disconnect between what the numbers indicated and the realities on the ground. This realization led me to appreciate the importance of human-centered design to fully grasp the problem and the broader context. Only by appreciating the complexity of a situation can we provide sustainable solutions."

His international experiences have allowed him to develop a deep understanding of the challenges faced by different communities and the need for comprehensive, context-sensitive solutions. "After years of working internationally, I was excited to bring these skills back to the US to support better government initiatives," Jean Baptiste adds.

Jean Baptiste's Journey at Star Cypress Partners

Since joining SCP, Jean Baptiste Tooley has grown into a pivotal role within our team. His journey from fieldwork and academic research to becoming a trusted consultant exemplifies the professional development opportunities we strive to provide for all our employees.

Jean Baptiste shared, "While I loved working directly with program beneficiaries, I noticed significant challenges in the day-to-day operations of many equity-minded programs. I saw passionate grassroots initiatives striving to make a difference but lacking the external resources or time to address ongoing problems."

Jean Baptiste highlighted how his experiences at Star Cypress Partners have helped him expand his professional development "SCP emphasizes professional development and has equipped me with the tools to transform client relationships from traditional call-and-response contract work to strategic long-term partnerships. I am trusted by clients not only as a subject matter expert but also as someone who genuinely cares about the success of their programs," he explains.

One of the aspects Jean Baptiste has enjoyed most at SCP is the opportunity for growth. " I have collaborated on projects with various teams and learned from colleagues with diverse experiences. Whether it's learning how to produce streamlined marketing materials from Liz, managing client relationships from Herman, or developing Theory of Change and Strategic Plans with Heidi and Katherine, the SCP team has provided me with opportunities to grow not only as a data expert but also as a well-rounded management consultant."

Jean Baptiste's experience at SCP has also provided a new perspective on federal consultancy. "SCP holds the unique position to push for more progressive and efficient systems. This niche excites me and reinforces the value we bring to enhance equity with our clients and their programs."

Jean Baptiste's colleagues have high praise for his contributions and character. Elizabeth McDonald, Senior Associate at SCP shares, “Jean Baptiste epitomizes ‘work hard, play hard.’ When he’s not off climbing mountains, he’s excelling as a senior data consultant at SCP. His knowledge and expertise in data analysis and grantee reporting are invaluable,”.

"Jean Baptiste is a multifaceted team player for both internal and external stakeholders and an invaluable addition to our consulting practice at Star Cypress Partners. His level of expertise not only shines when supporting our clients but shines brightest when he reaches back to support team members across multiple projects and workstreams,” said Herman Pryor, Director at SCP.

Join Us in Celebrating Jean Baptiste

Jean Baptiste's journey and contributions at Star Cypress Partners are a testament to the values we uphold. We are grateful for his dedication and look forward to seeing the continued impact of his work.

Learn more about our team and the transformative work, we do at Star Cypress Partners.
